Like an octopus, the vampire squid has a web connecting all of it's tentecles. Also, it only has eight legs. Like the squid, it has two fins on it's mantle. It also has two retractable filaments that squid's use for hunting.
How is this possible? Well many scientist say it is a living fossil. Dateing back over 200 million years ago. Claire Nouvian, auther of "The deep" says that Vampyroteuthis infernalis may be a common ansctor to squids and octopuses. It's possible, a species surviving so long and have both types of features. It wouldnt surprise none.
What caught my eye was this creature's beautiful blue eyes. Richard Ellis, author of "deep
Altantic" states that Vampyroteuthis has the largest eyes of any animal it's size. Just for a six inch squid, it can have at least an eye with a diamiter of an inch.
The vampire squid can grow to about a foot to a foot and a half. I acually thought that it was atleast a few feet long not a foot. I kept on seeing "it's only 5cm" or even "5mm" but thats only the size of the juvanale stage.
Being more then 3,000 feet under water do you think that the vampire squid is slow or fast moving?
Good question! Because of the chilly temperatures, I would have to say that this animal has a slower metabolism and moves more slowly relative to other shallow water cephalopods.
ReplyDeleteThats what I thought too but they actually move pretty fast. From what ive been reading, alot of bioloist and researchers also thought it was slow moving. But when they first got a submersable camera down there, they caught it darting around like a bullet